CA'SINAG STATIONHEAD is a 24/7 streaming station dedicated to FELIP (SB19 KEN). The station plays FELIP-focused playlists mixed with songs from SB19 and other artists.
STATIONHEAD is an interactive social music platform where artists and fans connect, listen live, and stream together.
The mission of CASINAG STATIONHEAD is to use an interactive social music platform to stream, promote, and to let fans enjoy the music of FELIP and of SB19, of whom FELIP/Ken is a valued member.
CASINAG STATIONHEAD's vision is to make FELIP one of the most well-known, established, and well-rounded solo global artists, charted as one of the Top Artists, together with SB19, and for his songs to be included on Spotify's Philippine and Global Charts.
CASINAG STATIONHEAD's goal is to consistently stream FELIP's and SB19's music through an interactive and friendly streaming platform where everyone can discover and enjoy listening to the well-created masterpieces of FELIP and of SB19, and music from emerging artists and from those created with their native language or dialect.